Blog: On the path to healthy eating and attitudes....
by #58811

Is it really Friday???

reminders on priorities and how to accomplish some....not very deep,but with possibilities!

Date:   6/16/2006 9:39:55 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1854 times

I suppose so. All my daycare parents cancelled today with one I suppose it really isn't all:-) My toddler and I are having a blast....note to self, enjoy him more--stress less. When he offers a bite of something sweet take it and don't worry about how it will land on my bottom!!
Yesterday was a huge bummer food wise, as was Wednesday. Huge amounts of stress, causing the chain reaction of overeating, or rather eating what I should not be. It's been busy and the husband is absentee right now. However, today is a new day, a blessing to be had.
So I suppose the new ?? is how do I go about moving from emotional eating to just eating like a non emotional person. Maybe the secret is focus on the emotion and getting through it. Treat the emotion and get over it, then see if your tummy is growling! Yah, we'll see how that goes.
Exercise is good though. I didn't get to bellydance yet but will attempt to during naptime today. It could be lots of fun, it could be nothing fun at all. But at least I'll try.

The thunder rumbled last night, the lightening struck. But we were warm and dry and secure--more than some. I'm aware that my issues are somewhat vain and that others are just trying to survive. This is another level of awareness and makes me wonder what more I could do for them, those who I see but really don't SEE. Those who I keep my children from but also want to teach them compassion for. I'll have to spend a portion of my weekend figuring out how to balance the needs of others and my needs for myself and that of my family. Perhaps in the new school year as we homeschool there will be more time, less carpool, and we can work in some community action.

The day is flying by and my toddler would like to play with his mommy--these are moments to cherish as he will grow up much like my teenager and be done with mommy time! Another time then ........

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Comments (4 of 5):
Sounds like you ar… kermi… 19 y
Re: Killer! #58811 19 y
Killer! annaconda 19 y
You recognize, you… kermi… 19 y
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