Blog: On the path to healthy eating and attitudes....
by #58811

Saturday, oh Saturday!!

ongoing journey to physical and mental wellness

Date:   6/10/2006 2:03:29 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1776 times

It's HOT here, really really hot. I'm trying to squeeze in some afternoon pool time but right now it's just crackin' hot!!
So far so good on eating, but we'll see what later brings. I'd like to narrow it down to just a protein shake for dinner and call it good. Then do the elliptical!! Sounds good to me. The baby will sleep early because he refuses to nap---power to the sweet 2 year old!!
So the new dilemma is this, and I have yet to find a solution. My wonderous scale says that I'm holding 122# of muscle. Even if this is close that's alot of muscle for me to carry, and already defeats my goal of weighing in at around 130#. So in my plan I may have to scale down the strength component and work on the cardio component????? Suggestions would be great if anyone reads this, commentary on how great muscle is, etc. would not be. I already know this. Enough said on that one. Issues and issues and issues, they never cease to amaze me and how much mental damage to myself I've done. The good news is that God is good and can heal this also. Saturday is here, only one more day of vacation. Then back to working with kids! Hope Saturday is good for everyone!

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Comments (4 of 5):
Sounds like you ar… kermi… 19 y
Re: Killer! #58811 19 y
Killer! annaconda 19 y
You recognize, you… kermi… 19 y
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