June 9th....! Beach Day!!
overindulged today and yesterday--darn it!
Date: 6/9/2006 9:45:10 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1876 times What a great day! We're in Florida so we all spent a day at the beach. Awesome watching everyone doing something that they enjoyed and still a part of the bigger picture. Eating wise not so great.
I always start out strong, without over indulging. Lunch I"m still good, fruit and maybe a grain or a rice/bean combo (veg. protein). BUT then it hits, the pigging out begins. By 7pm I"m bummed out about the eating. It's not that it's excessive, but rather poor choices. Tonight was pizza, chips, vegetables, and then diet soda. I did exercise on my elliptical for 30 min. I was really active at the beach, so that was good also.
Tomorrow will again be the bands, ballet cardio, and elliptical--maybe a swim instead. We'll see. I just really hate the end of the day situation. But now that it's identified I'll just have to work at that.
What else?? Yesterday was a repeat of today minus the beach. And with better and longer exercise.
I'd like to get down to 130# and maintain. Right now I'm at 156#. Size 10 or 8. At 5'4" the 130 would be good for me and my lifestyle.
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