Day 8, anyone around?
I really don't enjoy how I feel.
Date: 2/14/2006 8:27:06 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2943 times Hi all!! At least I hope I am not alone. I am once again feeling really crappy this morn. I am very discouraged, so I decided to post early in the day. I am really asking myself WHY people fast. I am still waiting to be enlightened but have not come close. I still have no energy, the scales have not moved for 2 day, and I am feeling depressed and sorry for myself. I do hate to admit that, but I must do it. I am so wanting food and wondering what the payoff is for this suffering I am putting myself through. I am questioning everything in my life right now. Especially this juice fast. I feel like I am moving in slowww motion, including my brain. The broth is making me sick and I don't even reaaly want any juice. I guess I will have to force it down. I think I am detoxing emotionally more than anything else, that is what is really getting to me, plus I am over tired from not sleeping well. Hmm I am wondering is there anything positive I can write?
I have lost about 11 and 1 half pounds, skin and eyes are brighter and I can move around alot better. I know this may be a mistake but I didn't take my enema today. Just couldn't handle bothering. I will do it tomorrow. Wish I could just sleep the day away and hope to wake up tomorrow in a better space. Hmm it is Valentines Day, and my marriage isn't so hot, maybe that is what got the emotions flowing. WELL to whom it may concern I am gonna go for now.
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