Blog: 30 day juice fast
by But God

day 13 pt 2, trouble in fasting paradise

My husband's having THAT day :(

Date:   2/13/2006 9:40:32 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3622 times

I've had a great day, still feening for grilled salmon thought, but I'm not hungry it's just mental. I've had good energy did my exercise tried some new juice mixes. I think I've got a favorite, orange and carrot. enema didn't go well today though I seem to be rushing to get done and my body stayed kinda tense. But, I still got some good results. I can't believe I still have bowel, especially because I cleanse ALOT. I guess the best boost I had was 1st thing this morning, my 4 lb weight loss, what a great encouragement. It makes those tough days a better victory. Okay enough about me. MY husband

He's having THAT day, he's gone from doing to 40-50 days to 14-15 min. He didn't juice earlier today he was just trying water. probably some detoxing going on as well. I've been there encouraging him, but he's thinking about quiting I told him it's not "quitting " it's "stopping". I'm not worried, tomorrow is a new day is what I told him. He just went to bed, so I went in the room with him and put a movie in to take his mind off the fast. Oh yea, we also decided to give up tv for 30 days, but that was before the juice fast. So I suggested some movies when need to help occupy our minds. I think it's working he seems to be focused on the movie, I'm going to get him some more juice, I just made him pineapple/apple about 20 min ago.

Well, I guess I'll go watch the movie with my man :) (the kids in church get a kick out of me calling him that). I think I'm going to go to sleep or maybe not. depending on the rest of the night how he's doing. hopefully he'll fall asleep.

Peaceful rest
But God

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Comments (15 of 92):
You are awesome! 1sttimej… 19 y
glad to hear But God 19 y
Thanks for the pra… But G… 19 y
Bless you Ren But God 19 y
Congrats Grandma, … But G… 19 y
missed you ausjulie 19 y
Saying a prayer livingwat… 19 y
Here's a hug for y… Dazzl… 19 y
an inspiration ren 19 y
I'm so glad to know But G… 19 y
where are you but … ausju… 19 y
You're an inspirat… Livin… 19 y
congrats on 1 wk But God 19 y
Feelin' good But God 19 y
that's good news But God 19 y
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