Day 7 - Half way! Weekend. Mirror Happy.
Pot, weekends, more or less drink to detox better?, throwing out old clothes.
Date: 1/29/2006 9:09:06 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3544 times Original weight: 165
Weight today: 157
Loss: 8lbs
I've still been smoking pot every day. I haven't cheated on the cleanse w/food or alcohol though. Yesterday I went on an hour walk and did a bunch of dancing and rocking out at home. The weekends are always the hardest because of the boyfriend. He has a fulltime job so he's not around so much during the week but on weekends it's like a ritual for us to eat together. As difficult as it is, this second time around isn't quite as hard as the first was.
I've been wondering lately if you detox more if you drink more glasses of the lemonade mix or fewer. Anyone know this?
Also I'm definitely getting mirror happy. I am very proud of myself. I think today I'm going to throw out a bunch of clothes that are now too big on me.
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