Master Cleanse, second time around : Day 2.
Day 2, cramps night 1 - switching tea. No probs.
Date: 1/24/2006 11:42:16 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3429 times Here I go again! I think I need it. I really feel like doing the Master Cleanse the first time around was a major step in a recent lifestyle makeover I've given myself but I feel like I need to do it again. Not quite there yet. I want to celebrate on Valentines Day so I started yesterday and hope to go at least 14 days, maybe more. I only went 10 days the first time around in November and wanted to go longer but holiday obligations limited me. Yesterday I started midday so I didn't do a lax tea the night before and I had a cup of yogurt for breakfast but I'm going to count the day regardless. Last time around I drank 'Get Regular' tea by Yogi and didn't have any cramping. Last night I drank 'Smoothe Move' and woke at 4am w/cramps and had to run to the bathroom, then again at 7am. I have to go out and get the other tea today. No exceptional bowel movements yet. Didn't do a SWF this morning b/c I had work to do and couldn't afford having to go to the bathroom all morn. I think I'll do it tomorrow just to get cleaned out better. The thought of getting through this cleanse is exciting and I expect it not to be difficult at all as I had good results the first time around. Gonna go have my lunch~
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