13 weeks post fast
the good and the bad news
Date: 5/11/2006 11:10:46 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3602 times well i have some good things and some not so good things to report. first good thing is i managed to lock the scales away and stay off them for two weeks. i was meant to stay off until the end of may but (adb this is the bad news) i gave in and weighed myself three days ago. and now im right back there weighing myself daily so again the scales have to get locked away..... and for a long time. it felt so good to not weight myself and im not really sure why i went back to it. i was just curious. my husband came home after three weeks away and couldnt believe the wieght loss so i wanted to know what it was. ok ok ive gotta let you know i am down to 144 (that is 56 pounds gone) and only 4 pounds off goal weight.
yes this feels good but i really have to move into my new life and leave the numbers behind. i cant do this with the scales aruond...they must go away. that is why i wrote the last post becasue i have to trust that i know what to do to keep wieght loss happening or to just maintain what i have lost. i dont need confirmation from the scales. i know what to do and i do it. i feel liek i am getting really close to finding teh balance. close but not there yet.
i will elaborate more on the things i have learnt..i have lots to say as always but just not tonight. i have being really tired lately so im off to bed. days seem too busy i cant get to curezone until nite tiem and then i am too tired to finish my posts. will try harder this w'end to finish that post.
other bad news is i have really hurt my knee and cannot run on it. actually even walking inflames it. so i have decided to give it a rest for a week-10 days. i have still being swimming and some wieght and situps push ups but not near as much cardio as what i have beign doing. i am thinking of going to a chiropractor if the rest doesnt heal it. havent being to any type of medical practioner even alternatvie for many moons. i have had some bad experiences with chiro's before so i am weary. but i need my knee to work. hopefully rest will do the job
good news is summer is around the corner...gosh i love holidays...this will be a big test for me as holidays in the past have being a huge problem. but honestly i feel really confident taht i will keep up the exercise and food is not near as an issue as what is has being for me previously.
oh and for those of you who may be wondering i have not completed teh paragone..im hopeless at taking stuff i forget than remember. so i am going to wait unitl after summer to start again. then do the liver flush etc. i have totally eliminated any fat from my diet and so far have not had anymore stomach pain. so im prety sure it is the gall bladder/liver reactign to fat. i ate some cooked protein on the w'end with no adverse effects. so the bad news is i cant eat any fat...but than again this is probably good news too.
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