3 weeks post fast
you gotta dream
Date: 3/1/2006 3:05:31 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3303 times i have lost 1.5 pounds this week. that is a total of 4.5 pounds since the juice fast ended adn total of 29 pounds. my measurements moved down very slightly but at least they moved. i feel like i am still working really hard to achieve a small weight loss but at least it is a loss. runnign or walking everyday and trying to increase the distance. water intake is not great but not dismal either. BM's are good on days i go raw or really close to it but on other days they slow down too. probably because this week i ate a few things different. my main foods are still raw. salads and fruits. i have had a little grilled fish adn some grilled veggies. last weekend i went out for chinese. i ate a fully cooked meal for the first time and it was just nice... not as amazing as i had imagined. cravign mongolian beef for so long so i just went and had it. i still stayed away from white things like rice noodles etc so i was happy i could have what i wanted and leave the rest. i did have soem alcohol on friday nite but i was ok with that too. i ran the day before and day after to make up for increase in calories. alcohol is a big part of my social life adn to be honest i love to enjoy a drink with good friends. what can i say i am australian and we are practicall weened off breast milk onto beer! HA! however before the fast i was almost drinking everynite or i would have one week off one week on. so now i have decided that if i want i can drink on the weekends but definately not on week days. and not all weekends either. oh and i am still not drinking beer just sticking to wine or champagne.
i have started working which is better than i expected. my husband is still away far too much and it looks like this will continue for another month. im not happy about it but it is what it is. i feel like the positive aspects of the fast are still with me but dimished in intensity. i tend to be very emotional at times (i just wear my heart on my sleive) while fastign i felt more even adn calmer maybe even a little removed -which isnt a bad thing at all. i still feel much calmer but do miss that clarity and calmness that i felt middle to end of the fast. it is a very special feeling. i envy people who maintain this all throughout their life. funny i say this becasue most peopel would probably describe me as extremly laid back adn calm -man i must have been in a coma on the fast HA! i couldnt imagine what life is like for a stress head. not me. secretly i dream of living in the hills wearing 60's clothing eatign food that i grow and probably smoking loads of pot. instead i live in concrete houston, wear whatever is on sale eat food i buy in a shop and i cant remember the last time i smoked pot....mmmmm you can always dream..
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