day 26
cheating just a bit
Date: 2/3/2006 7:52:51 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3784 times bit low today not having enough juice - only had two yesterday and two today. they have all been orange juice, for some reason i am craving orange juice????? so this is cheating a bit because i know i need more veggie juice especially greens. will try veggie tommorrow but if fruit juice gets me over the line then so be it. no exercise today i think i over did it on the step my calf muscles are killing me. oops. but it is really nice to have sore muscles from using them. back into it tommorrow.
probably a bit low too because we got some bad news from home today. my husbands father is very sick. we dont know too many details but it is making us want to head home as soon as we can to see him, which probably wont be till june. he has not lead a very healthy life so i guess it catches up to you. he is not overweight so he has that in his favour. he is far too young to be really sick. wonder if i can convicne him to try a juice diet...
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