Blog: Clear Myst
by daizy4

*Wake Up Everybody*

The world won't get no better if we just let it be.....the world won't get no better, we gotta change it, yeah, just you and me.....

Date:   6/22/2006 3:42:30 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4380 times

Just heard this oldie but goodie by Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes in my car..... I never really listened to all the words in the past.... Also, is a similar, contemporary version by the Dave Matthews Band, to follow below.....

Wake up everybody no more sleepin' in bed
No more backward thinkin' time for thinkin' ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be
There is so much hatred war and poverty

Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
'Cause they're the ones who's coming up
And the world is in their hands
When you teach the children
Teach em the very best you can.

The world won't get no better
If we just let it be
The world won't get no better
We gotta change it yeah
Just you and me

Wake up all the doctors make the old' people well
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
But they don't have so very long before the judgement day
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away
Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
Surely things will work out
they do it every time

The world won't get no better
If we just let it be
The world won't get no better
We gotta change it, yeah
Just you and me


"Everybody Wake Up"

Everybody wake up
If your living with your eyes closed
See the man with a bomb in his hand
Everybody wake up

Oh baby it's not easy sometimes
They build these walls ever higher and hide behind them
Seems an odd way to try and make things right
Oh I feel like I go crazy sometimes

Our finest hour arrives
See the pig dressed in his finest fine
The believers stand behind him and smile
As the day lights up with fire

Everybody wake up
If your living with your eyes closed
See the man with a bomb in his hand
Everybody wake up

I Remember the words of the misguided fool
Do unto others as you'd have them do
Not an eye for an eye is the golden rule
Just leaves a room full of blind men

And the finest hour arrives
See the pig dressed in his finest fine
Don't believe him leave and stand behind him and smile
As the day lights up with fire

Everybody wake up [etc]....

Everybody wake up
if your living with your eyes closed
see the man with a bomb in his hand
Everybody wake up

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Comments (25 of 53):
Re: Rays of Life … MadAr… 17 y
You are right we d… kermi… 19 y
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Re: BABA is PURE L… daizy… 19 y
What was it 'Deep … fledg… 19 y
Re: BABA is PURE L… Lapis 19 y
Re: BABA is PURE L… daizy… 19 y
Re: most likely daizy4 19 y R
Very true... kerminator 19 y
BABA is PURE LOVE #38782 19 y
most likely finallyfaith 19 y
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Ah So D4 jelequa 19 y
Re: Growing a thic… daizy… 19 y
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Re: I read a simil… daizy… 19 y
Nice d4 belarius 19 y
I read a similar m… ruden… 19 y
Well done! Dazzle 19 y
oh I know she's he… daizy… 19 y
She is there else … munif… 19 y
Seek; Perceive; Re… #4822… 19 y
love love love it!! JeSui… 19 y
Re: Excellent :) daizy4 19 y
Great Post Lapis 19 y
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