Blog: Clear Myst
by daizy4

Lessons from a Dummy

A childhood memory uncovered more inner work to do!!!

Date:   2/28/2006 12:38:14 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 7312 times

While talking with a dear friend yesterday, I smiled to myself and recalled a great memory. I was 6 years old or so, and I had a ventriloquist dummy. His name was Jerry Mahoney, remember him?!! Well I mastered the art of throwing my voice and my lips hardly moved at all! I even sang with Jerry, and one of the songs was Daisy, Daisy, (so I really had to smile when I read your post Owen) made up skits and performed them for family and friends. When I was 7, I ventured into larger audiences LOL, my brownie troup (girl scouts) and at school . The kids loved my “act” and came up to me afterward, with such curiosity as to how I accomplished this “magic”.

I was also very interested in puppets and puppet shows and hosted them as well. String puppets and hand puppets, as well as handmade ones by yours truly. This interest that I had gives me some additional insights about how our bodies are like the dummy and puppets. We control them and our reality. But our Consciousness is beyond them…..observing and watching the game…..

Additionally, my dolls were not for display only. They got lots of use with my vivid imagination. I had more fun with my Barbie and Ken than my baby dolls. I could have all kinds of adventures with Barbie, because she was so much more mature and worldly than Betsie Wetsie!!

WELL………..what started out with just a sweet memory turned into quite a process for me. Always processing…(sigh)….. This blog idea was supposed to be a funny one, but it turned out to be inner WORK!

Where did this creative, imaginative and anything but shy little girl go? I know she’s still here, but there is some work to do. I WANT HER BACK COMPLETELY!!! I WANT TO GET BACK TO ME!! And continue to shed the conditioning, the false beliefs, the fears, the patterns, the excess baggage. It’s interesting that this memory, and others from ages prior, were before the world and school took hold of me. I was the oldest of 5 children with quiet, loving, but repressed and shy parents. It wasn’t an environment that encouraged the “different” kind of spirit that I was. We were to be “good” little girls and boys, and the definition of good was quiet. No letting loose in this home!!! And I was always what you would call emotional and enthusiastic. I can recall coming home from the movies and telling my parents about the whole movie!! I couldn’t just say it was good. I had to have them share my experience fully!! That sharing would get cut short with……..”You’re like a broken record………..” that keeps going and going and going…….. *sad face* So then I must have went within and perceived that what I had to say was too much and not really that worthwhile……

Well dear friend, this was supposed to be “funny” and look what it turned into. More work to do! This wonderful friend of mine is wild and crazy and in the moment, with childlike abandon, without self-consciousness and judgement! I want that too!! Can I get her/me back?????

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Comments (20 of 53):
Re: Rays of Life … MadAr… 17 y
You are right we d… kermi… 19 y
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Very true... kerminator 19 y
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Re: Growing a thic… daizy… 19 y
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Re: I read a simil… daizy… 19 y
Nice d4 belarius 19 y
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