Blog: Clear Myst
by daizy4

Rhapsody of the Heart...message on courage

WOW, what a message on courage from enlightened US Rep. Dennis Kucinich. He discusses the vision to see the dawning of a new age where "peace will guide the planets, and love will rule the stars" and the COURAGE to act to construct it!

Date:   2/16/2006 11:26:52 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2297 times

Rhapsody of the Heart

By Dennis J. Kucinich

United States Representative

The word courage is derived from coeur, French, for heart. Courage is heart-centered. The capacity to stand up, to speak out, in the words of the poet Tennyson's Ulysses, "to strive, to seek, to find and never to yield" is heart-centered.. " 'Tis the best use of fate," wrote Emerson, "to teach a fatal courage." So let us sing a heart- song of praise to courage, as did Cervantes' Man of LaMancha, "going where the brave dare not go," "dreaming the 'Impossible Dream' ".. finding heart-space where we journey above and beyond, becoming more than we are, better than we are, in self-conscious evolution; when spirit rises, pulse quickens, and we come in touch with what Joseph Chilton Pearce describes as a biological imperative for transcendence, as we align head with heart. Courage.

"Every clod feels a stir of might," wrote James Russell Lowell, relating the immanent power of nature on a spring day, "an instinct within it that reaches and towers.".

What is this instinct within us that reaches and towers? Could it be the dream-god within? Breathing life into our soul, whispering from our eternal home: It is time to break the ancient sleep, it is time to be born, once again, it is time to break the heart-forged chains, to hope beyond hope, it is time to reach beyond our grasp, to journey beyond our fears, it is time to open wide the door of our hearts and gaze upon a world of infinite potential. Courage is the rhapsody of the heart.

Where does it come from, this divine teaching that nothing is impossible, that heart always finds what in its knowingness, it truly seeks? Following our hearts, the question and the answer are one. 'Seek and ye shall find', saith the Scriptures. Seek high things urges Unamuno. Every lonely hunter's longing is an intuition, a secret blessing containing its own destination, its own rendezvous with new dimensions, new worlds.

What is that heart-spark that moves us to write, to sing, to proclaim, to act, to join, to march into the human spirit's highlands, to believe we can change the outcome, and god-like make it so?

As an activist, I understand the practical application of following one's heart to pursue social and economic justice. I have seen the citizens of my community unite, again and again, and achieve outcomes said to be impossible, because as our hearts merged fearlessly in pursuit of the common good, in saving a public power system, a lake, a park, a library, a hospital, a steel mill, we drew forth new possibilities which we always there for anyone with eyes to see. Physicist David Bohm's 'implicate order' hints of another reality ready to be evoked, waiting to be called forward by those with the heart and the courage to see it.

Courage is heart-vision. The vision to see the dawning of a new age where "peace will guide the planets, and love will rule the stars;" - - and the courage to act to construct it. The Department of Peace arises from the belief that we can make compassion, nonviolence, and harmony organizing principles in our society, make these principles the everyday work of our social and political structures. Embracing our interdependence, our interconnectedness, we experience the power of oneness, embracing trust and hope. With courage, we plant the seeds of the new humanity in our own heart - - cradle of the human spirit.

We co-creators, producers, directors of our own human drama open up to the power of the heart, whenever we acknowledge it is time to explore, it is time to rediscover the transformative power of courage, the transformative power of love, the transformative power of compassion and, doing so, make sacred our own hearts, radiate from our hearts - - the light of joy, stoke the fire of passion to experience love as never before, to write the book waiting to be written, sing the song waiting to be sung, take the voyage toward our fondest yearnings. Once more, Tennyson bids us: "Come my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world." Courage and heart. Inseparable. Undeniable. Indomitable.

Dennis J. Kucinich

United States Representative

The Human Forum of Puerto Rico

"The Power of the Heart,

Dawning of a New Consciousness"

Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Saturday, December 10, 2005

courtesy of The Journey magazine,
January/February 2006

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