Blog: sparkle sparkle
by #53408


is a virtue I need to cultivate

Date:   12/1/2005 1:37:48 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1751 times

I had the hardest time today. I was feeling so weak in the morning that I had a small piece of cheese (little low carb snack, I thought.) Then, the rest of the day I was battling with the temptation to go get fast food and pizza and sweets...
The real art to maintaining weight and a healthy life is the art of compromise and looking beyond slight deviations from plan... and moving on according to plan or as best as possible. Extremes and being dogmatic are what end up being my downfall.
I did make it through. Had only one small, little snack. But I was feeling so weak and bad today. It was not pleasant. What helped me get through it was thinking that I could either start eating soup and sandwiches out of cucumber slices next week or the week after, and which would I prefer. (Pathetic how excited I am about that.) Also, I'd like to fit into the Diesel jeans this Friday, and I wouldn't if I had fast food and pizza. And I want to finish this fast and start eating again.
But it was really, really hard. The struggle alone makes me feel crummy... when I really should feel proud of myself that I made it through. Still not thoroughly imbibed the spirit of compromise. It's always been a weak point of mine.

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Comments (10 of 14):
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