Blog: sparkle sparkle
by #53408

I'm back.

... struggling, but back.

Date:   11/21/2005 10:38:40 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1773 times

i crashed and had all the foods that i had been craving. i think that my weight went up quite a bit... i had not been weighing myself for a while. now i did weigh myself and i only lost about 9 pounds in A MONTH. fasting on water only and cheating badly twice. well that's still progress. i still have lost a lot of body fat percentage. when i started this fasting thing i was 140 pounds and just over 30% body fat. now i'm 116 and 11% body fat which is quite low. i still want to bring the weight down. i still feel my legs and but are way chunkier than i would like them to be. fasting has been feeling harder now, but now is not the time to "wait until it feels right" because i'm in the middle of it now. i can make more progress if i just continue to fast. i'm not really having any side effects besides feeling cold. but i'm not feeling weak, which was what really got to me during the first time i was fasting. i just am not as euphoric and psyched about fasting anymore, but i just have to be strong and stick with it. it's okay that i went ahead and had the foods i was craving, i guess. but if i cheated again, it would just be yoyoing. i do feel good when i think about fasting, getting to my goal weight and then going to low carb. that's going to be such a treat to eat all those low carb tasty foods when i get back to that. so, back on track. i've been back for now 6 days done. i want to bring this to a good end.
i went with my fiance to the olive garden, and i felt so sad for all the girls i saw there that were eating all this really fattening food but must at the same time be wanting to lose weight forever. i don't want to be one of those girls that is forever unhappy with the way she looks. i want to be happy with how i look and feel good in my skin.
signing off for today. will be back

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Comments (14 of 14):
Update lvancao 20 y
I admire your goal… 9thbo… 20 y
Re: Inspiration sparkle44 20 y
Inspiration nolezgirl 20 y
Fasting broke my w… mark7… 20 y
Dear Lady... Whil… kermi… 20 y
Yes, Yes, often th… 9thbo… 20 y
Re: Ben and Jerry sparkle… 20 y
Ben and Jerry #51044 20 y
Diet and Self-Cont… #4822… 20 y
Re: How much time … spark… 20 y
How much time do I… caram… 20 y
yes, it is! YourEnchanted… 20 y
We love you. JeSuisButter… 20 y
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