Blog: sparkle sparkle
by #53408

47 more days... this is tricky again all over

... but i can do it.

Date:   11/15/2005 4:07:09 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1949 times

i have to make a decision: do i want to go off the fast, in which case i should do it properly, with the broth and soup and so on, or do i want to lose the rest of the weight i feel i would look better without? i can't get into a phase where i am alternating between fasting and cheating. fasting almost a month and then cheating for a day, i suppose, is not too bad, but that's got to be it. i have decided that i want to continue on the fast.

the hard thing is that now that i cheated last time, it seems so close, so much like a real option to just stop at one of the various places on my way home from work to pick up various unmentionable things... especially since i didn't have my favorite food when i did cheat b/c i didn't get out of the office on time. ::: sigh ::: so, i have to get used to fasting, get used to that "it's-out-of-the-question" frame of mind. it would just put so much strain on me right now to get out of the fasting and not finish this properly.

so pep talk to me: finish this up. just 47 more days. for short-term goal, stick to it this week and i'll try on one of the roomiest of my goal jeans on sunday. i hope i will see a difference to last sunday.

i would love just for once to get rid of the squish on my butt and thighs... and it can happen if i just hang in for a few more days. :)

let's go girl.

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Comments (10 of 14):
Update lvancao 20 y
I admire your goal… 9thbo… 20 y
Re: Inspiration sparkle44 20 y
Inspiration nolezgirl 20 y
Fasting broke my w… mark7… 20 y
Dear Lady... Whil… kermi… 20 y
Yes, Yes, often th… 9thbo… 20 y
Re: Ben and Jerry sparkle… 20 y
Ben and Jerry #51044 20 y
Diet and Self-Cont… #4822… 20 y
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