Okay, so staying in bed and resting is comfort enough, I guess
Date: 11/4/2005 7:41:52 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1832 times Ugh, the entire right side of my body is in pain. PAIN. Ouch. Bruises. Swelling. Throbbing. Pain whenever I have to move. Hoping this all goes back down to normal by Monday so that I can go back to my life. Much as I do enjoy staying in bed and watching sit-coms and Simpsons.
So, I guess comfort does not mean eating cheaty food and then feeling guilty and crappy afterwards. It would be one thing if it were included in my dietary regimen, i.e. if I can figure out some kind of plan where it's okay to one day a week to have pizza and ice cream, then recover... But that's not now. So, now... the comfort is just the warmth of my bed and the easy-to-digest entertainment. Instead of food that would be hard to digest right now anyways.
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