Blog: Three Cheers for Perseverance
by Arcanine

The Word of the Day: Determination

I remember Haiku class...

Date:   8/7/2005 12:49:38 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2004 times

This morning I dutifully swallowed my herbs and became ill. .. Ugh, my stomach .. that was some party last night.

I don't know how I plan to get better if I keep consuming the junk that I am.

Yesterday I dedicated time to learn about Genetically Modified foods. That, is absolutely disgusting. I thought Chemtrails were bad. They both are, and I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg.

I dislike learning about new things such as HAARP, microwave radiation, cell phone towers, chemtrails, GMO foods... yet my thirst for knowledge is insatiable. Curiousity killed the cat, but knowledge brought it back.

It felt like I had so much control over my life, but I see the government really seems to decide.

The paranoia that comes with what I learn, as well, is rather distasteful. I become exceptionally fearful and distrust the air, the water, the food, but more than is healthy. A constant panic, an irrepressable fear.

I NEED to learn EFT. I cannot allow this to control my life. I continue to study Lapis' posts because he's correct, they all are illusions. I'm in control. I project my reality.

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Comments (5 of 5):
Re: Ai yai yai AnAncient 18 y
Listen to your dre… money… 19 y
LOL!! I love you! Arcanin… 20 y
Did I hear you say… Alika… 20 y
It's not unusual t… Alika… 20 y
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