Day 3
I feel like I may have to make a choice between running and fasting for the time being.
Date: 5/1/2006 3:12:33 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2385 times Things are still going well. My only problem is my runs seem to be suffering. I could barely make it through mi 2 today! I felt much lighter but I didn't feel as if I had the energy! That was very frustrating. I feel like I may have to make a choice between running and fasting for the time being. I'm not sure that I'm willing to give up on my runs though. Anyone who has ever run understands how it makes you feel. It's almost too good to live without.....Yet, I really want to do this detoxing again, and it wouldn't hurt to lose 10 lbs as well! I think I need to pray and do some thinking about this....
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