Back a year later....time for another fast
The goals of this fast are first to fast for 30 days on pure juices and herbal teas. I will be reading my bible, meditating daily and praying daily to get in touch with my spiritual side. Overall, I'm just hoping to feel better emotionally and physically. I'm anticipating a new outlook on life. More positivity, more clairity and more focus.
Date: 4/28/2006 10:58:58 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2533 times Well I'm back after a year. I haven't been following up with my healthy lifestyle that's for sure. It's been more then easy to slip back into my "old" ways.
I'm not happy where I am right now. I need to lose weight again but more importantly I need to get in touch with my spiritual side again. I miss feeling close to God, like I'm doing the right thing and as if he is guiding me in the right direction.
The goals of this fast are first to fast for 30 days on pure juices and herbal teas. I will be reading my bible, meditating daily and praying daily to get in touch with my spiritual side. Overall, I'm just hoping to feel better emotionally and physically. I'm anticipating a new outlook on life. More positivity, more clairity and more focus.
I'm using this site to help keep me on track by self reflecting every day on my journey.
I can only pray to God for support to make it through. I've tried to juice fast unsuccessfully in the past but now I'm more serious about it in that I'm ready to go for the long term.
I just need to pray to God for strength and support.
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