Continuation of Juice fasting
This entry is entirely self-help and will probably not help you during your juice fast.
Date: 10/16/2005 2:33:45 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2761 times One of the reasons I like abstaining from food during a juice fast is because it makes me think. I'm not sure what causes this, maybe the energy that's usually devoted to digestion goes into the brain waves? Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about why I'm single. I'm 25 years old, good looking relative to my peers and intelligent yet I haven't been able to meet anyone recently. At times I wonder what's wrong with me, if I'm actually the problem. I've considered just giving up, actually I'm at that point now. I kind of feel like I don't want to be in a relationship now or ever. So I'm considering reasons why.....
Reasons why I don't want to be in a relationship - October 2005
1. Just starting to really get to know myself, defining what my values are
2. Life is on hold until school is over
3. Don't really plan on staying in this area after graduation, not sure of what
I want to do, where I want to go, there are too many options
4. Don't have expectations or create them when approaching potential
relationships - could be why I keep ending up in relationships that are
emotionally draining - yet I can't define exactly what I want but do have a few
predetermined criteria more of which are superficial in content anyway.
5. Aside from companionship and intimacy (sex) i don't really see the point of
being in a relationship - prehaps my self sufficiency and independence is
blinding me to any positive attributes associated with them.
6. Deep inside I'd rather just be by myself (scary) I've always been a loner -
don't have problems with this because its a choice, at least I thought it was.
7. Maybe I'm neurotic which is causing me to be subconsciously self absorbed.
8. I've had so many bad, draining relationships that I don't even want to bother
to pursue new ones
9. I'm very cynical about relationships due to #8, I don't like self disclosure
(accept to strangers which allows me to maintain anonymity which is protective to a great extent)
10. I believe most people do not have good intentions and most do not value being
a good and doing good, so why would I want to be with them anyway esp.
considering this characteristics are incredibly important to me.
What a thing to post on curezone! Honestly, if you've ever done a juice fast you'd understand. Stuff starts coming out of you (psychologically) that has been repressed or ignored for the longest time. I've only just begun. It is important though to let things out. I believe it's a part of the cleansing process that allows one t o gain a better understanding of themselves overall.
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