Blog: My Juice Fast Experience
by Deephousegirl

Day 2

I've been trying to focus on taking things one day at a time.

Date:   10/14/2005 4:36:05 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1943 times

I hate counting the days, it makes me feel as if I'm waiting for something to happen. In other words, I'm not living in the present. I've been trying to focus on taking things one day at a time, having no expectations (having expectations sabatoged my efforts the last times) and living fully. In any case, I'm really greatful to be doing this again, it's a worthwhile challenge. As for symptoms, physically I feel fine, my body temperature has dropped somewhat but other than that I'm good. I even had the energy to do 30 mins of cardio this evening at the gym. I'm trying to take it easy though, I know that soon I'll start to feel tired and I'll need more rest then usual. Mentally I feel fine as well. My body is obviously utilizing all of the junk food that I ate post fast so it's not craving anything as yet. In my past experiences day 4 and 5 are usually the hardest, if you can make it past day 8 you are safe courtesy of a new found freedom from food.

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Comments (9 of 9):
Expectations today4th 20 y
Re: Good luck to y… Deeph… 20 y
Good luck to you!! #40084 20 y
hey congrats! cherrybloss… 20 y
I tried fasting se… #4008… 20 y
you are special...… #4802… 20 y
this saying is one… journ 20 y
join you for a day ren 20 y
Congrats on your j… #4725… 20 y
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