At it again....another juice fast
I'm back! Since my last post over 2 months ago I tried fasting one more time and I lasted for about 12 days. I feel like I'm ready to try it again and I want to use this forum as a way to record my daily experience - sort of like a journal.
Date: 10/12/2005 10:57:01 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2497 times I'm back! Since my last post over 2 months ago I tried fasting one more time and I lasted for about 12 days. I feel like I'm ready to try it again and I want to use this forum as a way to record my daily experience - sort of like a journal. I've had really good results from fasting concerning maintaining my weight at 160. I haven't gone up and unfortunately I haven't gone down either. My ultimate goal was 140 and still continues to be and I know that I can get there at some point.
Well here I go again. I'm setting a few goals:
1. Fast for 14 days (2 weeks)
2. Raw fruits/vegetebles (3 - 4 days)
3. Fast for 14 days (2 weeks)
4. Lose 10 - 15 lbs
5. Continue working out at gym 3-4x/week
6. Take things one day at a time
7. Continue to read bible and pray daily
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