Blog: My Juice Fast Experience
by Deephousegirl

Starting a new Juice Fast -- Again! But this time I'm ready

Am I scared that I won't be able to do this again -- yes. I am. But I have to try. I've done it before and I've gained so much mentally and physically that I can't possibly write off the entire experience as an isolated event.

Date:   7/18/2005 1:51:34 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3617 times

Well I'm back at it folks. I've decided to start another juice fast this time I'll be going for 28 days starting tomorrow (Monday).

I've decided to fast again because I feel like I've lost a lot of things that I had gained from the original fast. For example, it's 2:30 a.m., I can't sleep - my insomnia is back. Not only that but I haven't been reading my bible or praying much at all lately. I have been indulging in the things of this world (so to speak) and it's taken it's toll on my spirit and my body.

I have also regressed back into some of my old eating patterns. Previously I swore off all dairy foods but the other night I came home starving after a night of drinking and dancing in the city with the girls and decided I would snack on a huge piece of mozzarella cheese. BIG MISTAKE!! my stomach has never felt so horrible as it had that night!! I was bloated and cramping and some smells were coming out of me that even appalled me! The most significant side effect of this consumption was my mood. Literally within days of eating this stuff I started to feel low. It was incredible how this seemingly innocent indulgence could have done so much damage in such a small amount of time! I'd also like to say that my diet has remained consistent with the ideals that I mentioned previously in my entries but again I have strayed. For example, I've been drinking alcohol again, I've had chocolate, some junk foods. I've eaten late at night and in the middle of the night. I've eaten too much, eaten when I wasn't hungry and eaten when I felt emotional. One positive thing (this goes out to all of your fasting critics) I've still only managed to gain 5lbs back from where I was at the end of my first successful fast. I ended that fast at 156 meanwhile here I am now at 161. I have been working out regularly and lifting weights as well so I'm sure this has helped me to maintain my weight loss as well. Therefore, I'm proof that weight loss from a fast doesn't neccessarily have to come back on completely once food is reintroduced in normal quantities back into ones diet.

I guess what gets to me the most is in reading over my previous entries. I kind of seem like a different person, a more enlightened person and I'm not ashamed to say that I crave those feelings once again.

Am I scared that I won't be able to do this again -- yes. I am. But I have to try. I've done it before and I've gained so much mentally and physically that I can't possibly write off the entire experience as an isolated event.

So I hope you will keep me in your thoughts and your prayers as I venture onto this next journey. This is my blog detailing my experience during my 28 day juice fast.

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Comments (9 of 9):
Expectations today4th 20 y
Re: Good luck to y… Deeph… 20 y
Good luck to you!! #40084 20 y
hey congrats! cherrybloss… 20 y
I tried fasting se… #4008… 20 y
you are special...… #4802… 20 y
this saying is one… journ 20 y
join you for a day ren 20 y
Congrats on your j… #4725… 20 y
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