Post Master Cleanse update
Trying to keep the weight off isn't so easy!
Date: 5/16/2005 10:27:21 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2754 times Things are okay...I must be diligent this week so that I don't end up in binge mode since it's PMS week!
Scale is back up to 162
I'm eating lots of salad, veggies, fruit. Some tofu here and there, hummus, etc. The numbers on the scale have changed but the inches have stayed off. I bought more maple syrup yesterday so that I can go back on the fast in a few days.
I have been INCREDIBLY regular. A BM every morning, afternoon and night, no fuss, just moving right along.
My lower back was hurting like crazy yesterday, and it hasn't hurt for a long time. I think that losing so much belly fat so quickly is the culprit, and my lumbar spine and pelvic bones are adjusting.
I plan to visit a doctor of Chinese Medicine and get some nutrition counseling.
I've been doing a LOT of bike riding and Bikram yoga, and am headed to the gym shortly. I've had a lot of energy and it's been GREAT!
Will update you again in a few days...
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