Master Cleanser - breaking the fast day 3
Continuing to botch the break...
Date: 5/12/2005 9:33:52 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2959 times I will definitely only do 10 days next time. I would have been able to break this fast much more easily if I had not gone so long that I got a little out of control!
Yesterday, I had juice and soup...then a Bikram class, which left me ravenous. I ate some walnuts and feta cheese, and, God help me, some crusty bread. Not something I normally ever eat. I paid for it last night, too...I woke up a few times during the night with painful cramps.
This morning, OJ, walnuts, feta cheese and a raw food bar. I am eating mindfully and slowly, and will not allow this to turn into a binge.
Scale says: 159
It's really embarassing to go so long on the fast and then to break it this way...but I am committed to being honest so that I don't make the same mistakes the next time around.
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