Blog: Aladia's first Master Cleanse!
by #45147

Master Cleanser - breaking the fast

Orange juice isn't as exciting as I thought it would be...

Date:   5/10/2005 9:36:41 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2821 times

Yup, despite all of the encouragement to stick it out, I decided to break today. I woke up this morning feeling great, and it felt right. I thought about it long and hard last night and discussed it with DBF, who chided me for being hard on myself for "only" going 12 days when my original intention was to do 3 :)

My weight loss has stalled out, and I am missing intense exercise very very much. My skin is clear, my tongue is pink, and I feel good.My plan is to do another 7-10 days in two weeks.I have some fresh-squeezed organic Valencia orange juice in was a little anti-climactic. I thought I would want to wolf it down, but it turns out I'm content to sip at it like the lemonade. What I really want is VEGGIES!!

So I'm having three glasses of OJ today, and three glasses of lemonade. Tomorrow will be three glasses of OJ and broth, and the next day broth and fruit and that salad I've been dying for!!This has been a great experience, and I've learned a lot. Thanks to everyone for all of the support, it has been tremendously helpful!

Scale still says: 158

Yow, I can really feel that OJ in my stomach!

I have had small BM's the last couple of days, despite constantly forgetting to drink the lax tea. I'm guessing it's from the additional pulp extracted using the electric juicer. I didn't dream about food, that I can remember, last night.

I'm going to try jogging this morning...I REALLY want to MOVE!

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Re: Keep it up Anumii 20 y
Keep it up kerminator 20 y
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