SSDI Win-Loss Rates By State
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Date: 3/6/2005 1:21:41 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3661 times Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in New York
Initial claims won: 38.1% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 15.4% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Oregon
Initial claims won: 33.7% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 12.3% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Washington
Initial claims won: 41.1% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 15.1% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in California
Initial claims won: 44.5% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 19.3% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Hawaii
Initial claims won: 52.4% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 29.3% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Mississippi
Initial claims won: 27.2% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 7.1% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Arizona
Initial claims won: 46.6% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 30.6% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in Nevada
Initial claims won: 49.6% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 27.6% (nationally: 15.1%)
Win-Loss rates for Social Security Disability, SSI cases in New Jersey
Initial claims won: 50.0% (nationally: 36.7%)
Reconsiderations won: 26.0% (nationally: 15.1%)
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