not milk!!
Have you ever wondered why we are told to drink milk? If milk is so healthy for us, and North Americans drink so much of this healthy liquid why is it we are so sick?
Date: 2/8/2005 9:49:10 PM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3658 times
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Have you ever wondered why we are told to drink milk
If milk is so healthy for
us, and we couldn't possible live a healthy life without it why on earth do we
have to be told to drink it? Why is it recommended that the average child
drink 2 - 3 one cup servings per day? Why is the average adult told to
drink 2 - 4 one cup servings per day?
North American's take the
lead in consuming milk as a favored beverage. We are told this beverage is
healthy for us, and we get our necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals from
milk. Yet North Americans have the highest rate of calcium deficiency
disease in the world! That means we have the highest incidences of bone
fractures and Osteoporosis in the world! Wait a minute - I thought we
would have the strongest bones because we drink so much milk! WRONG!
Dispelling the milk
Most individuals in other
nations around the world do not consume milk after the first two years of
life. And, most often during the first two years of life the child
consumes mothers' breast milk! Now when I mention these nations, I'm
referring to the more primitive nations that have not been dumbed down by the
best interests of man and government.
Lets dispel this myth right
"Cow's milk is nature's perfect food for humans"
TRUTH: Cow's
milk is not nature's perfect food for humans! In fact Cow's milk is
the perfect food for young calves and only young calves. That is how
nature intended cow's milk be used. Take a look at the growth of a
calf. In the first year a calf sometimes grows 4 times the size it was at
birth. Now take a look at the growth rate of a human in the first
year. A baby may double the size it was at birth. That is a big difference
in growth rate. How can anyone suggest that a human baby and calf be fed
the same food and need the same amount of nutrients, fats and protein?
A German study in the early
1900's found that of 49,362 children born in Berlin during 1890 12,623 of those
children died by the end of that year. Of those who died, 8,008 were fed
on cow's milk. Only 1,588 had been breast fed!! Further statistics from
that study showed of those fed on mother's milk one in thirteen died, while of
those brought up bottle fed, one out of every two died.
Wow! Those are some
astounding facts. That is from only one study - there are many more
reasons not to feed babies cow's milk.
Protein ratio? Human
milk is 1.3% protein whereas cow's milk (and most commercial formulas) is 3.3%
protein. Feeding a baby anything but mother's milk puts that child at an
increased risk for obesity for the simple fact of the protein ratio.
Excess protein places a huge load on the kidneys and some children gain weight
faster because they retain more fluid.
If babies are at a greater
risk of developing obesity related problems from consuming cow's milk just think
what would happen to an adult from consuming cow's milk.
The calcium myth:
Your bones and teeth can be
healthy without milk!
Cows' milk is rich in
phosphorous which can combine with calcium -- and can prevent you from absorbing
the calcium in milk. The milk protein also accelerates calcium excretion from
the blood through the kidneys. This is also true when you eat large amount
of meat and poultry products. Vegetarians will need about 50% less calcium than
meat eaters because they lose much less calcium in their urine.
It is possible to obtain
all your calcium from dark green vegetables (where do you think the cow gets
their calcium from?). The darker the better. Cooked collard greens, spinach, broccoli
and kale are especially good. If you feel you are not getting enough calcium you
can always take a supplement, there are many on the market to choose from!
- Many cancers are of the
reproductive organs are linked to too many hormones such as estrogen
etc. Many times estradiol, progesterone and testosterone are added to
feed or injected into cattle. These hormones cause the cow to grow
larger faster, therefore yielding more profit to the farmer and big
business. Cows' milk is loaded with more than 144 chemicals that
are pumped into the cow; antibiotics, growth hormones, drugs,
pesticides of all kinds, and fattening chemicals to fatten up the beef
cows. YOU are ingesting all those chemicals too, if you drink
the milk or eat the meat; and these poisons (without proper
detoxing and cleansing) will stay in your cells and tissues forever and will
likely cause many health issues down the road.
How about Bovine
Growth Hormone?
BGH is used by most dairy
farmers to increase milk production in their dairy cows. This hormone is
unsafe for human consumption!
BGH will also decrease the
body fat of cows. Unfortunately, the body fat of cows is already contaminated
with a wide range of carcinogens, pesticides, dioxin, and antibiotic residues.
When the cows have less body fat, these toxic substances are then transported
into the cows' milk.
Before BGH was used,
38%of milk sampled nationally was already contaminated by illegal residues of
antibiotics and animal drugs. This will only increase with the use of BGH. One
can only wonder what the long term complications will be for drinking milk that
has a 50% chance it is contaminated with antibiotics.
Considering that cow's milk
is toxic with hormones, antibiotics and other environmental toxins and drugs
consumed by the cow. Why would that milk be recommended for
consumption? Especially children or babies? Just think of this when
a nursing mother cannot take over half of legal pharmaceuticals because it will
turn her breast milk toxic and be a danger to the baby. Should that
warning not apply to cow's milk also?
Cow's milk is the number
one allergic food in this country. It has been well documented as a cause in
diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency
anemia, skin rashes, arteriosclerosis, and acne.
It is the primary cause of
recurrent ear infections in children. Ear specialists frequently insert tubes
into the ear drums of infants to treat recurrent ear infections. It has replaced
the previously popular tonsillectomy to become the number one surgery in the
country. Most of these specialists don't realize that over 50% of these
children will improve and have no further ear infections if they just stop
drinking their milk. It has also been linked to insulin dependent
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, and leukemia.
Now after reading this do
you still want to feed your kids milk? Would you drink milk?
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