Blog: Master Cleanse to Water Fasting Total Weight Lost
by toomuchcoke

water fast update

This is an update of my first water fast in January 2018.

Date:   2/3/2018 5:08:24 PM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 489 times

Hello Everyone! I know it's been a while since I updated my blog, which is usually not a good sign. Sure enough, I had many failed attempts at my water fast since I had given it my first shot at the beginning of January 2018.
Here is a summary of what happened:
1. Discontinued water fast after first day yet again when I last blogged about it. Oops!
2. Since then I gave it another go. I started a water fast on January 8th, 2018 and managed to get in 3 full days of total water fasting the first 3 days. On day 4 I slightly cheated with some fruit, but day 5 I massively cheated and ate a regular day's worth of food. However, Day 6 & 7 were total water fasting days. So in that week, I got in at least 5 days of water fasting, but not continuously. My SW: 166.6 pounds and my weight at the end of the water fast was 160 pounds. So I lost 6 pounds that week. Obviously, if I had actually been water fasting all days, I imagine I would have lost even more.
3. After my 5-day water fast I decided it was too hard to keep water fasting until my GW of 145 as I had initially planned. Instead, I worked on first maintaining the weight.
4. I had done a 3-day apple diet in which I ate only apples for 3 days. I lost a couple of pounds on that, surprisingly not as much as I had hoped.
5. End of January 2018 I decided I would do another water fast. I did a master cleanse to ease in to it. On January 30th, 2018 I started my MC at 159.4 pounds. Today we are Saturday, February 3rd, 2018 and this marks the first day of another 3-day water fast. My SW: 156.4 pounds.

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