Blog: Master Cleanse to Water Fasting Total Weight Lost
by toomuchcoke

WF Day 1 Recap

WF Day 1 Recap

Date:   1/3/2018 9:18:03 PM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 494 times

I started my water fast today at noon. It's been 7 hours since I started it. When I started this blog, I intended to document only my weightloss progress and not focus on my emotions or any other physical or mental aspects of the fast. However, I feel like it would be beneficial to my progress and also useful information to share with other fasters to also discuss these.

I was more nervous about starting my water fast than I was the master cleanse. I suppose it is because while we do not eat solid foods on either of these, at least with the Master Cleanse I get the maple syrup. I am super nervous about the lack of energy on the water fast. I will be starting a new job in the next few days and I hope I have the energy and strength for it. I have been drinking hot water with bit of lemon. I can't drink cold water right now because it is cold outside. During this water fast, I am allowing myself lemons, herbal tea, but that's it. I know a water fast is supposed to be strictly just water but I am doing this version of it. I feel like starting it was the hardest part so I am truly happy to at least having finally started it. I have made a commitment to continue this water fast until I reach my target weight of 145 pounds. So that's about 20 pounds I need to lose. This means I can expect to be fasting for up to 20 days, but hopefully I will manage to lose it in less time.

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