Blog: VitD3 for Diabetes type 1b
by #136856

Problems urinating after rife therapy and colloidal silver.

Rifing and toxin elimination is making a problem, so away from fruits and towards the paleo diet again for me! Lots of salt and vitamin C, I need to be able to pee, not supplement and take in potassium-rich elements.

Date:   5/24/2016 7:57:44 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 972 times

Reporting on thoughts a few days after the last blog entry..

I've been rifing and using colloidal silver the past month and a half, and doing all that will put plenty of trash in the system to eliminate.

On top of that, using a 3:1 mix of natron (sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate) every now and then, and then using coffee and focusing on potassium-rich fruits and vegetables and herbs gives plenty of an electrolyte imbalance.

Plus I use iodine transdermally here and there (after a trial of internal iodine 4 years ago.).

More salt and vitamin C!

Urination should improve in the next 24 hours.

Source information is perfect in the article listed above, tips on what to eat and not to eat when rifing, during treatment.

My tongue has been very, very thrushy recently, thanks to sticking to store-bought fruit, and that's not helping.

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