Blog: VitD3 for Diabetes type 1b
by #136856

An update

Here's a summary of things I've experienced and learnt over the period I haven't been posting on this blog. :) There's several clues in this post about what causes/contributes to type 1 diabetes, some nutritional remedies that help bloodsugars, and what types of magnesium worsen the condition.

Date:   9/14/2015 2:20:06 AM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 959 times

Lotta stuff has happened since I last posted here!

I had 13 amalgams and 1 root canal removed/changed out with a holistic dentist (who had the right suction equipment and knowledge).
It's resulted in a much calmer mind and body. It's quite true, it's like living out from under a dark blanket, suddenly there's not all this tendency towards not being able to see the brighter side of life to come. :)

I've tried the heavier iodine therapy. I used lugol's 5% in varying dosages for 6 months without using selenium or parasite cleansing, orally. It totally changed my prayer life and the way I viewed 'the holy spirit'-
It also gave me the strongest herxeimer reactions (dieoff symptoms) I've ever experienced. I felt completely disconsolate at times, had nights without sleep, a ton of tears, and was heavily contemplating suicide. The answer from the spiritual side in prayer was a consistent 'NO!'. When I made the connection between the iodine and the things I was experiencing (when I had a moment of clarity of head), it took a month for the mental side effects to die down.

A year and a half after that I had enough income to see what I could otherwise do supplement-wise.
I discovered and learned about what the individual vitamins and minerals do, and bought and tried them. I spent a -lot- of money on enzymes, individual vitamins and minerals, over a period of about 1 year (with all the difficulties that importing things under the EU/danish customs tax implies!).

So basically I got educated as to what biofilms/mycoplasmas/fodmaps/ropeworms/mucosal plaque is. (digestive flora gone berzerk and infectious in an effort to survive), and the things it can't stand (saponin-rich herbs, iodine, digestive enzymes in sufficient quantities).

Also, what causes leaky gut, (lack of butyrate-producing diestive flora, see youtube, search for 'molecular effects of butyrate'), how butyrate helps maintain insulin production by triggering the formation of beta islet cells in the pancreas.

Let's see.. also under the category of 'what I have learned', has included information about autistic children, the development of vaccines and bioweapons, a bit about parasites and why vaccines often carry them... So some of the factors that can sow the seeds of type 1 diabetes in children early.

Useful information:
Vitamin B-complex and magnesium taurate taken together lower bloodsugar spikes after food.

Digestive enzymes taken together with food reduce gas and bloating as well as some bloodsugar spikes

Dr Lonnie Herman (youtube lectures) has not found a single type 1 diabetic who isn't infected with mycoplasma (his lectures explain it)

Parasite cleansing and any element (fx, boron) which inhibits or induces the death of infectious agents (biofilms, mycoplasmas, etc) will raise bloodsugars because of the elements the dieing cells and biofilms release into the body.

Epsom salt/magnesium sulfate can worsen the infections a diabetic lives with by providing easily-metabolized building blocks to infectious agents (biofilms, etc, living in body tissues). This can be observed as brainfog, higher insulin resistance, etc, in the days following drinking, bathing in, or using epsom salts on the skin. It is an inorganic fertalizer.
The effects of using epsom sulfates are quite different if one has had effective parasite cleansing.

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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Wormwood Capsules, Clove Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasite Cleanse