Gut microbiome and gut health
I have a very strong interest in gut health, and try to keep on top of some of the amazing research into the gut microbiome.
Date: 11/8/2014 7:22:00 PM ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1586 times CSIRO provides a good basic introductory overview on the importance of resistant starch for general health and wellbeing, at “The Hungry Microbiome":
The Conversation provides more on the topic at:, and
Large scale research is being performed by Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract (MetaHIT): and the Human Microbiome Project (HMP)
If you are interested in seeing what your own microbiome is, you can submit a sample via American Gut part of the Human Food Project:
You have to donate $99 to the Project and they will send you a home sampling kit. In return, they will provide you with a list of the bacteria in your sample (genus level where possible) – and relative abundance – and show you how your bacterial community compares to others in the study based on the diet and lifestyle questionnaire you fill out when you take your sample.
100% of the donations go to the Biofrontiers Institute at the University of Colorado-Boulder and the Earth Microbiome Project at the University of Chicago.
So get reading. You will be amazed at some of the findings.
Best wishes, Dsquat.
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