Insulin pumper on a detox :o
Things are in full swing with me- right down to supplementation to fight a heavy-metal induced depression, to drinking clays. Oi!
Date: 11/9/2012 4:18:46 AM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 10061 times I sort of got the experienced advisor I was praying for- a few anonymous messages in my mail inbox here on curezone, a small voice of simple reason and pointers.
Right now it's all about the right diet and detox. I've had dental amalgams for over 15 years, been around a smoker for three years, experienced mental abuse and an unstable home right from the beginning, so a healthy building block iiiiss.. *drumroll* ... Good nutrition and detox.
I've got a niacin acid supplement (B3 nicotonic acid, not niaminicide) coming that I plan to be using in the evening for inducing a night flush, lowering night glucose levels, and neurological support after the miasnma of insomnia that N-a-c brought on.
My diet is quite straightforewardly to consist of dark green vegetables, fresh fruits, and meats, with a strong focus of avoiding easy carbs. I've already experienced how they give me thrush-tongue (yeastiebeastie overgrowth).
I've got very chapped lips and dry corners of the mouth, which can mean a need for higher levels of niacin. It'd be hard to get in the amount I need unless I was to do coffee enemas real often, and the oral route is better. Coffee enemas can be really rather quite harsh!
Dark green veggies have qualities similar to chlorella, so it might not be necessary for me to use the expensive import. Spinach, kale etc is very accessible in the supermarket, and I know how to spice it.
The supplementation looks like this:
1 gram kelp powder
15-30 grams daily of brewer's yeast (I want to use this to make apple cider vinegar, but I don't have a proper method worked out yet to incubate it)
1 zink glycinate 30 mg
1 b-100 complex tablet
1 200 mg magnesium citrate tablet
1 5,000 iu D3 capsule
1 milk thistle capsule (200 mg silymarin)
1 500 mg l-tyrosine capsule
Niacin, slowly ramped up as I learn how best to use it for my body.
Bentonite baths weekly
Two teaspoons of dolomite powder for extra minerals and activated charcoal in my intestinal track (night and day, 1 tbsp each time)
Lots of healthy fats, so I'm trying to do olive oil shots with morning and evening meals, and healthy fish meals.
I have a love affair with the chicken meals. Omnomnom.
Dental amalgam replacement has to wait until my income is down pat, but things are in processing for that with the county office locally.
I have had some parathyroid swelling because of adding in specific nutrients meant to correct hypothyroidisim, so I am trying to be vigilant against it getting bad. Upping the zinc would mean having to cut out my eltroxin entirely. <.<
I have had one forum member suggest that with my current pattern I may be able to skip entirely amalgam replacement therapy. My mind is still of the set.. that with the world going into the havoc-period it is right now, drinking clay and ordering expensive supplements might not be that easy. I'm still praying frequently about the matter.
I'm still on an antidepressant (A selective seretonin uptake inhibitor), which I am watching too for signs of seretonin overproduction. My poor doctor- I'm a female dog when it comes to demanding going off them, and he can only see that I keep cycling in and out of depression and insomnias. He doesn't give a rat's ass about targeted nutrition. I can only pray that he has a wow moment somewhere along the line in working with me.
I've considered the SSRI issue over the past two weeks- It helps mitigate the mood swings that come when I have unhealthy candida dieoff, and emotions.. well, they are so incredibly linked to digestive status and health (over half of the body's total seretonin is produced by the intestine, it's a track of basic neuron cells), that antidepressants may be the support I need up until a complete and successful dental cleanup.
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