Blog: VitD3 for Diabetes type 1b
by #136856

Selenium with amalgams BAD encourages neuro-pathy (death/damadge of neurons) An' what I'm doing about it

I tried NAC, ALA and selenium before removing my amalgams. Here's what happened, here's what I'm doing to ease it.

Date:   10/27/2012 3:39:52 AM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 20236 times

I pulled the old 'stupid' card and was using supplements that I should not have, in the search to improve my personal well-being while saving for amalgam replacement.

These are the ones that help:
High absorbancy zinc
High absorbancy magnesium
Well-tested kelp, in powder or dried form. (free of mercury)

These are the ones that hurt before full amalgam removal:
NAC (N Acetyl-Cysteine) (I used mycolysin, bubbling tablet form)
ALA (Alpha Liopic Acid)

ALL multivitamins and synthetic vitamins hurt before amalgam replacement. If it contains selenium, simply don't do it. Synthetic vitamins have only 50% bioavailability, and your body must flush out the other 50%, aggrivating mineral deficiencies. This is the reason for the vitamin C debate forum. (This does not mean synthetic vitamin C should not be used for specific purposes, but it must be used alongside supplementation of what it flushes out. Above 2000 mg/day is where it starts to effect the kidneys because of the flushing effects.)

Selenium is for when you get irritable/angry during post-amalgam replacement therapy. I have stopped all forms of synthetic multivitamins for myself, and have looked at NOW-foods EVE multivit for women, but will avoid it until halfway into my chelation because it contains methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), of which the methyl part binds with mercury.

I currently have primary dermatological neuropathy - the sensitivity levels of my skin are way down, but heat, pressure and texture sensitivity is still there. It fades when I have the right balance of nutrients. NAC 600 mg over two weeks set this to happening, with small amounts of ALA in homemade jam from one month ago. I'm saving the jam for chelation-time, of course. ALA in raspberry jam makes raspberry jam that bites you back. ;)

I am currently using a variant of the Master Cleanse rehydration drink, of 1tbsp organic unsufured molasses stirred into boiling water, 200mcg+ of kelp powder, 1/2 tsp of sea salt, and lemon juice to normalize my stomach. I am nauseous, which may be partially due to sleeping pills. I am taking the drink warm to help, and it is allowing my bowels to move. Without the kelp it tastes like V8 juice, with the kelp, it is a little saltier.

I have a general twinge in the left-side armpit currently, just to note it to myself.

I have added zinc and iron to my supplements for daily use, and have stored now one bottle of Milk thistle and two of l-tyrosine as reccommended by I am using neither, as milk thistle proclaims 'a powerful antioxidant!' which I should avoid currently without the amalgams removed. Great, selenium is also an antioxidant, but guess where that got me?

I'm considering calcium bentonite clay (zeolite) for internal use.
Likewise, non-cemically-altered bentonite cat litter for a detoxing soak. (

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