One full year
Adding the D3 (5,000 iu/day) and magnesium to my daily intake has certainly changed some things. I feel much worse when my blood sugar is between 10-13 mg/dl (which has always been the range of mood swings), but it does help me recognize when I require more insulin.
Date: 2/18/2012 7:07:13 PM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 19667 times God, I still wish I had an experienced, practicing alternative health/nutritionalist to work with. Seems to be something hard to find, certainly, but wishful thinking is still just wishful thinking!
Adding the D3 (5,000 iu/day) and magnesium to my daily intake has certainly changed some things. I feel much worse when my blood sugar is between 10-13 mg/dl (which has always been the range of mood swings), but it does help me recognize when I require more insulin.
Of the noticeable changes, much of it happens in my bathroom. My stomach doesn't delay digestion as much as it used to, I eliminate solid wastes at least twice a day now. Also, my urine it almost always a rich yellow color instead of often being the near-clear color it often was before starting supplementation. I'm trying to figure out if this is because of being too easily dehydrated now, or because of kidneys functioning a little more efficiently- I just don't know!
What I do know is that my system doesn't like having free-floating mercury and magnesium floating on the same boat, and I've been keeping strong on avacados for keeping up glutathione production/eliminating the worst of things. At least one avacado per day.. It's good that I rather like them. Just.. riiight between being hard and certainly before they turn squidgy.
I've been on antidepressants since last May- I can't say if the magnesium and D3 is preventing a round of insomnia this year or not. I am, however, certainly a lot less energetic and awake during the day because of the pharmeceuticals.
And yeah.. I know there are plenty of folk that would cry foul on the effects and bad things they do to the gut and all, but I wouldn't wish the mood swings and difficulties of the magnesium/mercury thing on anyone. It makes one think one's going nuts.
One step at a time, as it were. <:)
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