Winter depression and mercury, connection? (VitD3)
Summary of thoughts and current status in February 2012
Date: 2/6/2012 1:28:29 PM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 2406 times So it's the second year after taking 5,000 iu of vitamin D3 and magnesium regularly (per day, more or less), and with vitamin C intermittently, and this year, unlike the past decade here living in Denmark, I haven't -yet- had a serious (requiring the intervention of sleeping pills) season of insomnia. It drives me bonkers with stress every time it happens. I loose the ability to concentrate on one task to another, short-term memory flees me, and I get continuous, pointless obsessiveness and anxiety.
Last year was a lot of fascination with vitamin D3 after lots of research, and here's my experiences and story all written down over several months: Vitamin D3 treatment for Diabetes Type 1
Anyways, long story short, I started to have bad teeth at age 15 after three years on the internet, got my first two fillings just a bit around my birthday, had 2-3 days of pain and fever around the pancreas and a hard tummy a month after, had a decline in pancreatic function until eight months after and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, had a violent problem of insomnia and time in the mental part of a hospital to balance out sleep drugs two months after my diagnosis. The dental work continued heavily through teenage life, had a bone tumor of the growth plate of my left wrist at age 18, lost my hand at age 21.
As you already know, the insomnias continued since then, though I never had them after the initial diabetes diagnosis. I lived in the states then.
So I'm looking at the factors of sunlight exposure, and I'm wondering, why would my symptoms of insomnia and depression be stronger in winter than any other time? Obviously because VitD3 helps in chelation, as a vital element in the process. Here's a PDF I made off of information on the Vitamin D Council's page on mental illness. Vitamin D3 and brain function
Anyways, back to the point. Why would symptoms of mercury poisoning be stronger in winter than in the summer?
Currently I'm still on the D3 and magnesium and hoping it will be enough to fend off completely the repetative descent into insomnia, though the symptoms of disconnecting from reality, obsessiveness, forgetfulness and pointless anxiety are showing their heads, though not really issues sleeping.
Yes, yes, I know the importance of removing the amalgams. I've lived one year so far with half of a molar broken off because of an expanded filling that fell out, one premolar that has two sides standing solid with the middle filling having fallen out.. but my teeth are rock solid this year, with no wiggling about. There's been dental work almost every year since 2004, but right now.. it's amazing how much difference simple vitamins can make. D3 isn't a vitamin though, but a human prohormone.
A bit longer.. a bit longer before I have my own income.
I wish I could just normalize these swings between winter and summer.
God bless, input welcome.
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