The Reward of Pushing Against the Tide
If we choose to give up, it is only because we allow fear to stand in our way. Giving up is easy but there is no reward, no personal growth attached to it.
Date: 1/31/2011 11:27:57 AM ( 14 y ) ... viewed 17997 times The number one reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten.” ~ Vaibhav Shah
When I first read this quote it rang true for me; I think we all can relate to it in some way. But then I found myself reading it over and over again. Although it is a true and relatable statement, something about it seemed odd. Why do we tend to feel this way?
There is much in life that exists that is intangible. Faith is the belief in something we can’t see, but those of us that have it know our focus of belief exists. We can’t see love but can surely feel it. But our accomplishments and personal growth have left a breadcrumb trail of evidence. Though we may deny the importance of our prior successes, we have lived through them and for the most part can remember what we’ve done. So why wouldn’t we tend to focus more on what we’ve accomplished, what we can actually see, than what we haven’t? Why don’t we give our track record of accomplishments due respect?
We are all seekers. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know that our mission in life is personal growth. We also know that personal growth is not easy. Whether we choose to acknowledge or strive for it, we all know that we can continually do better and be better. That is why, when it comes to personal progress, we tend to look to the future, though often with accentuated insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, instead of focusing on and valuing the success of our prior achievements.
If we choose to give up, it is only because we allow fear to stand in our way. Giving up is easy but there is no reward, no personal growth attached to it. This is where the fire of motivation and goal aspiration steps in; where we muster the strength to push forward, often against the tide, and continue to believe in ourselves.
Though the past is the past, we should always give honor to where we have come from. Allow yourself to critique your past without remorse, guilt, or harsh self-criticism. Everything changes, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.
The future can either be fearful or alluring; it’s all in the perspective we choose. Success is a choice. We must not let the hurdles in life extinguish the flames of our passions, dreams, and heart’s desires.
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