Pre-fast Monday
I JUST NEED TO DETOX! that's about all.
Date: 12/6/2010 2:12:04 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 45961 times Well I'm back again! I'm really looking forward to this fast. I read a lot of my entries before and I'm impressed with how introspective and honest I had been. It was also great reading about the successes I experienced on the fast! Its also hard to believe I have been away from this site for many years! While I've been busy maintaining and writing for my own site, attending graduate school, nursing people with mental health problems back to life, ect, ect, ect....its still great to know I can always come back to cure zone and pick up where I left off!
Well I'm not over thinking this one. I don't have any time frame, or any well defined goals for the juice fast.
I JUST NEED TO DETOX! that's about all.
Seemingly, writing about my experience keeps me on track!
Welcome day one! I can't wait to meet yu!
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