Blog: Raw Vegan For Health
by akroach7

Let's Talk Poop

Don't Run Away!

Date:   3/20/2010 1:13:27 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1701 times

I know it's not a pleasant subject. But, when you're talking about weight, poop is a big factor. People carry a lot of poop around in their colon. One time I weighed myself after I I eliminated and I lost 6 lbs! So, I do try to weigh myself after my bowel movement in the morning. Now, for some people who don't poop but once a week, this would be a disadvantage. But for me, especially when eating lots of raw food, poop happens 2 times a day and if I get a bonus round, 3 times a day! I've noticed I can weight myself pre-poop and then post-poop and I have lost several pounds. So, this is big when it comes to weight loss. The more fiber (raw food) you eat the more you will keep things moving along.

The main job of the colon is to reabsorb the liquid nutrients. When it gets into the large intestines, the liquids are absorbed enough so you should have firm soft poop. If it stays inside too long, the environment will change and toxins will form. This will be absorbed back into your body and cause problems. So, it's best to get it out on time.

Did you know meat and dairy have no fiber? That could be why they are known to be constipating. The best fiber sources are greens. So, remember... If you're eating green, you're getting lean!

5th Day: Phase 2, Thursday, 3-11-10
Weight: 197.8 lbs, - .4 lbs, -5.2 lbs total, BMI 31.0
11:00 am, BP: 133/93, P:72, BS: 198
12:oo noon BP: 119/90, P: 82, BS: 158, HCG 10 drops
4:00 pm sm. amt. kelp noodles & Alfredo, Garlic Flax crackers, calories 327
9:30 pm Raw Vegan Chili, Garlic flax crackers, calories 559
11:30 pm Hcg 10 drops
Totals: calories 886, carbs 56, fat 61, Proteins 35


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