The End Of My Water Fast
end of water fasting
Date: 3/14/2010 10:20:56 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2198 times
Hello everyone today im here to tell you that i ended my water fast Friday the 12th, not because i wanted to but i had to. I went to the doctors Friday and i have a really bad cold and the medicine he prescribed i have to take food with. I feel so bad right now because i had to end my fasting but i did make it 13 days so that was good. I am hoping by Monday or Tuesday i can start again because i want to complete a 50 to 60 day fast. So for the next few days im going to be drinking a lot of juices and eating veggies. I don't want to gain any weight back. I will continue to post how i am doing for the next few days until i start my fast again. I hope everyone have a great weekend i have to go.BYE!!!!
HERE are a few pic of me a my family But not full body pics of me because im not ready for that yet...L.O.L. But when the weight is gone i will be posting a lot of pics..........L.O.L.
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