End of day five!
End of my fifth day of water fasting
Date: 3/4/2010 9:23:00 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2193 times Hello everyone just a quick update on how my day went. Well to day was a very busy day for me.I had to go to walmart today to get some cleaning stuff for my home and some sea salt so i can do a sea salt flush so i can get what ever is lefted in my colon out. So in the morning i am going to try the sea salt flush to see if that works.From what i have read up on it , they say it works pretty good. I guess i will find out......L.O.L. But anyway i was in walmart for like 2 hours it was very busy and when i got home i had to climb 3 flights of stairs to carry everything i got to my apartment.When i got into my apartment my legs felt so weak i wanted to drop everything and fall on the floor. That's why they say get plenty of rest when you water fast. That why for now on i won't do anything i don't have to do. Well everyone it's kind of late and i am very sleepy i will post my weight in the morning when i wake up. Good night all.
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