The Night Before I start my water fast
I want to see how much weight i can lose from water fasting for 60 days. i want to see if my body will heal its self from fasting.
Date: 2/28/2010 2:53:08 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 2140 times Hello everyone it's feb. the 27, 2010 and tomorrow i am starting my water fast. I thought about fasting for a long time but i didn't do it because i was scared i didn't no much about it. But over the last 6 months i read everything i could find about it and i decide to give it a try. So i decided to blog about everything that happens during my waster fast.
First let me tell you a little about me. I'm a mother of three beautiful kids that i love with all my heart and i put them before anything, and that's why i want to do this water fast i want to be healthy for them. They tell me all the time that they love me just the way i am but the problem is i don't love the way i am. I am 367 pounds and i am 5"11. I am a tall girl and the weight doesn't show as bad but it is still to much weight. So starting from 12 o' clock tonight no more food will pass through this lips for 60 days.
well everyone i have to go. I hope everyone enjoy reading my post that i will be writing everyday and feel free to leave you comment and i will replyor try to reply to everyone.
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