Blog: Sym's healthy trials
by symara

Started a new MC Fast - for 30 days this time...

first 4 days of 30 day cleanse... I'm back!

Date:   12/9/2009 1:25:34 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1321 times

I actually tried to start another back in Feb and day one ended in such a massive migraine with vomiting and everything my husband forced me to eat something and take some meds. He wasn't being very supportive at the time anyway and didn't want me to do it.

I'm now doing one with his support! I had spinal fusion surgery back in July and was under anethesia for 10 hours. For the past 5 months I've had problems with sleeping too much, can't wake up, and falling asleep at my desk at work. Depression has taken it's hold also. I talked to a therapist and some other people who say the anethesia stays with you for up to a year, in your cells. I spoke to my husband about it and he's being supportive this time, because I can't live like this and it's driving him nuts also.

So, Sunday I started a 30 day cleanse. Today is Day 4 (well 3.5). Sunday we went to an xmas party and they had recipes that I hadn't tried and needed to for my second job (direct sales cooking and entertaining company). So I did the cleanse until the party and after. Since then I've been completely on the cleanse.
I think this is how my weight has gone:

day 1 - 228
day 2 - 226
day 3 - 222
day 4 - 219

wasn't expecting 10 lbs in 4 days.... I must have had a lot of poo in me that needed to come out.

I had a headache/migraine on day 2 and ended up taking some meds, but didn't eat... it was just so bad I couldn't get it to go away and I had to go to work. Last time I took two days off the first few days of the cleanse.

I've had a few cravings today also. I'm not into the lemonade at all, but really never was. I'm having sooooo much trouble with the SW flush. I did it Sunday, then on Monday and through today I can't bring myself to get out of bed early to do it. I did last time, but I guess I have to get going on the cleanse and get my energy rythym going to get up early again due to the anethesia. I didn't drink it all Sunday though either, I just can't choke it down... I'm using the celtic sea salt, but it's still rough. I think I drank maybe 1/3 of the flush Sunday. I'm going to try to get back to that tomorrow morning.

I walked today!!! yay. 1.2 miles to the post office (and back)durring lunch. This is a big deal for many reasons, I haven't been working out at all, and it's freezing cold with huge wind gusts here. there where a couple times when I was waiting at the cross walke I thought it would blow me into the street.

Well I guess that's enough for Day 1.... I might type more later this evening on the same page as an edit if I decide I want to share more of day 4. :)

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