Blog: Psychic Health
by atoasttoyourhealth

Gallbladder Cleansing


Date:   12/7/2009 11:45:05 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 47724 times

One important thing that gets left out on this subject is that you need to clean up afterwards.

Yes. You need to prepare before the flush to a degree.
Yes. You need to take your olive oil (That's the best. You can use other oils. Not recommended.)
Yes. You need to do a few other things.

But just as important as the rest of it, especially if you haven't done a flush in awhile, you need to clean up after the flush.

There's a lot of unwanted cholesterol that is in the  gallbladder. That's why it's there. The body couldn't process it. Some hasn't even had the chance to form into a sizable gallstone. And it's not just in your gallbladder. However, it (all of the unwanted cholesterol in different forms) will be coming out of your gallbladder into your small intestines. Not in your colon. Not at the end of digestion process. Not in the middle. But at the beginning, basically.

So much of what you just dumped out of your gallbladder (the bad stuff that you don't want) gets reabsorbed into your system just like it did the first time before it turned into a gallstone.

A lot of cholesterol is going to get reabsorbed by your body. And it is going to get deposited within your veins and other places.

So you need to eat foods that can bind cholesterol out of your veins and other parts of your body for the next two days afterwards because after all of those cholesterol loaded stones (and cholesterol laden debris) can get reabsorbed.

And if you pass stones, not all of them make it to the end (the toilet). In fact, many won't. And they will completely dissolve. And much of that will be reabsorbed.

And the cholesterol debris and the outside of the smaller stones and the outside of the bigger stones will immediately begin to get digested and reabsorbed back into the body after they leave the gallbladder. That's why it's important to clean up after a flush.





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