Blog: Psychic Health
by atoasttoyourhealth


The dangers of non-organic minerals

Date:   11/27/2009 4:28:59 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1340 times

This is a follow-up of organic and non-organic minerals from my previous entry.

For the sake of context it's recommended that you read my prior entry.

When you take a non-organic mineral (as produced by the vitamin industry), your body will begin to use part of that and part of the mineral won't be absorbed.

For the part of the dosage that it does begin to absorb, some of it makes it through the entire assimilation process and is used by your body. This is the beneficial part. However, since your body needs other nutrients to help it with the entire process, it runs out of its ability to completely use or to store or to discard the mineral. Now what it can't process is then let go, discarded, and dropped into places that it shouldn't have ever been dropped. Your body can no longer process it so it dumps it. And one of the first places that begins to get the dump is your veins. And this can lead to inflammation.

In contrast, when you take a dose of an organic mineral (from food sources), there are plenty of other nutrients and co-factors with the mineral that will help the body complete all processes. The first process would be using the mineral. Then (and this is where the big difference lies between the two), what is not needed can be stored properly or discharged properly into places that you want the mineral to go. Places that don't cause inflammation. And into places that don't have the potential to hurt your health.

It's important to take products that help with inflammation if you take these types of products. For example, beneficial oils can help with inflammation. However, make sure to take oils that are stored in glass because most oils are stored in plastic. And they are stored in the worst type of plastic. There is something horribly toxic about the black plastic in which many oils are stored. I get a terrible energy reading off of the black plastic bottles. This plastic is much more toxic than clear plastic.

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