Orange Juice and extras
Orange Juice and extras
Date: 11/24/2009 2:20:16 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1574 times In my first blog entry I mentioned oranges. So I'm going to cover orange juice that is sold at the grocery stores and the health food stores. And I might weave in a few other points here or there.
I'm a believer in buying organic produce. So the juice that they sell for the most part at the grocery store is out on that account all by itself. Let's start with why I don't think you should buy conventional orange juice or conventional produce. Yes, we are all well-aware of the chemicals that they use on those foods. And we all (for the most part) believe that this is bad for us to some degree or another. I believe it's bad. Not good. As you can tell. But there's is more to it then just the chemicals they spray. There's also the way that the producers fertilize the soil, which is major. That's MAJOR. Nevertheless, most of you reading this understand that as well. And just like the chemicals, you've already got an opinion on how bad this is or isn't. Personally, I believe this is worse than the chemicals. There is just a horrible energy on that whole process of using synthetic fertilizers compared to natural methods. But another reason that most don't understand is that...(Perhaps, I'll finish this thought in another entry.)
Getting back to the juice that's at the grocery store or at the health food store.
Some are setting in plastic. And I already spoke about plastic in a previous writing. If you buy any juice in plastic, rest assured that it has leached more chemicals from that plastic than what your body needs.
They throw all of those chemically sprayed oranges into a press. The oranges that have chemicals sprayed all over the outside of them...those oranges. And they press those oranges. Some good pesticide residue and some good fungicide residue as well, I would imagine.
Another problem: Many are made with calcium. I might lose some of you here, but you shouldn't be taking "non-organic" mineral supplements of any kind (this is the best way to go). You need "organic" minerals that have been processed by a plant for the most part. [When I say "organic" or "non-organic" minerals, I'm only referring to the fact of the minerals being produced by a plant (organic), or I'm referring to the minerals that are produced by the supplement industry (non-organic). Unless the supplement industry has grown the mineral in a plant, then it would be consider "organic" by me even if the plant itself wasn't organically cultivated.] In addition, there are different natural formations of minerals around the world that can be beneficial. That is without a doubt. However, the main culprit with these types of minerals is that they need to be produced properly. Nature produced them properly, but man can't quite get them to us properly. For example, I think sea salt is healthy if produced properly.
What I don't doubt is the fact that the minerals as produced by the vitamin industry are inflammatory. For the person who takes 500 mg of a mineral, SOME of it is processed by the body for use, but much of that dose is deposited within the veins as an unusable piece of debris. And it's now going to cause inflammation within the veins. And part of the unused dose is also going to get deposited elsewhere, and this is now going to cause inflammation elsewhere. For the mineral supplements that have been food grown - these work much better although they are still inflammatory because the food-grown, organic mineral supplements have some bad production problems. They're just not near as bad as the non-organic supplements.
For you ladies out there, it seems that many of you supplement with high levels of calcium, but yet, you're deficient in calcium. So you go to the story and grab the orange juice with calcium added to it. And this leads to even more inflammation because you're already getting the inflammation from the supplements that most of you take. And for some reason you're still low on calcium. Then, everyone else tells you to take this extra mineral to help you assimilate the calcium. [And this works to a degree because you need that mineral to help you assimilate the other. However, now you have several different minerals that aren't being fully utilized, and the unused debris (that is the non-organic mineral) has now increased in your veins.] [Here's the point...the body is able to process a dose or even an overdose of "organic" minerals, but it can't fully process a dose of "non-organic" minerals. So it kicks those minerals off in places that it wouldn't normally kick unused minerals.] And after all of this many of you still aren't getting quite enough calcium in your system. And for some reason your inflammation problems continue to rise even though you're now on an extra product that helps with inflammation along with the extra product that was to help you absorb the first. I think that it would make sense for you to take a little extra time and get calcium from other sources. They say that heart disease is a major killer of women in America, and yet, you ladies don't sit down and eat an entire pizza like we men do. And most don't sit down and eat a big piece of steak followed by a bucket of ice cream like we man do. Now you ladies do like to eat a little chocolate. But is that little bit of chocolate the cause of all these types of problems? And meanwhile, the "get your extra" calcium products continue to increase along with all of your chronic inflammation problems. And the supplement industry gets more and more of your money. They sell you the inflammation, and then, they sell you a fix for your inflammation. Is it a conspiracy? No. It's just a bunch of dummies runny around making money.
But not all orange juice has calcium added. Some have preservatives which can really wreak havoc with your health just like the calcium.
Now there is life in there to some degree. That is to say that there is life in the orange juice sitting on the shelves of the grocery stores...but do you want the side effects? That's right...side effects. Just like the drug industry that sells their drugs to us. But we just don't notice it clearly as with powerful drugs. The side effects of the products like the orange juice takes time to surface. And it's hidden because...after all...isn't this healthy orange juice with beneficial calcium added? How could products like this be the cause of any problems? If you don't produce a product properly, there are side effects. And if you eat enough products that aren't produced properly there's a chance that you might get health problems. Now I'm only talking about the products that everyone thinks are healthy. Of course, the other "bad" food products aren't healthy.
How to get orange juice: Juice oranges using a glass or ceramic juicer. Making sure that the juice is in a glass or ceramic bowl after you juice it. And if you like oranges and if you want to juice them, please consider that they are high in sugar. So be careful not to eat too much sugar, sweeteners, and other fruits along with them. One good way to mute the effects of getting too much sugar into your blood steam from a glass of orange juice, is to also juice a lemon with it or a half of a lemon. Or try one lemon and a half of an orange. Or you might try substituting a lime instead of the lemon. Using the lemon or lime will also greatly reduce the Candida problem that so many of you have. It's not going to clear you up from Candida. It's going to greatly reduce the Candida from feeding off of the orange juice, which is the problem that you have when drinking orange juice.
Very important to get high quality Vitamin C from time to time. Not just that wonderful sounding, easy to take, Vitamin C in supplement form. There are many other fruits that can assist with this if you don't like oranges, lemons, limes, or grapefruit.
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