Blog: Psychic Health
by atoasttoyourhealth


More thoughts on chemicals

Date:   11/16/2009 4:56:01 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1545 times

I want to give you guys just a few more ideas about how you are getting chemicals in your lives, and then I'll go on to another subject.

Practical, basic knowledge can be a little boring. It's not the latest and greatest break through in science that tells you: "If you can just get this in your mouth, all your worries are over." And all that I'm telling those who are sick is this: "If you can just get this in your brain, we can get down the road."


The process of removing chemicals from our lives isn't easy. Well, I'm's tedious. What kind of hellaceous world is this that we even have to bother with the thought of having to do this in the first place?

All of the Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins are produced with chemicals. Get these things out of your life (by the way you need to clean your carpets with a water vacuum...extremely important for a peaceful, unagitated existence...but that's for another day as to why - obviously, you would do that with a chemical free solution.) So go down to health food store, and buy chemical free Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins. Stop wiping your a.. with chemicals. You might say to me: "My neighbor has been wiping his a.. with chemicals for years just like me - why is he not sick?" That's not an easy question to answer. Is it genes? Of course. But there's more to it than that. It's too detailed and complicated to get into all of that. And it doesn't really matter even if I had 100% truth on this matter. What matters is that you need to avoid chemicals. It's like I said in a previous blog: 'Why can some people smoke for years and years, and  have nothing go wrong?' That's an interesting question...but the important thing is that you don't smoke because your chances of having health problems will skyrocket. And being overdosed by chemicals from many different sources all day long can increase your chances for having health problems.

Think about it...for years you've been drinking chemicals, wiping your lips after dinner with chemicals, swallowing chemically laced supplements, and blowing your nose with CHEMICALS. And now you're sick. And many not necessarily you, but many ask: "Why is God doing this to me?" If there is a God, he probably would like to ask... (well, you get the point.)

There are many other sources of chemicals - laundry detergent, soaps, cleaners, etc. I recommend you do the research and get off of all chemicals.

Will this heal you? Can you go back to eating pizzas and drinking beer after you do this? Maybe, it depends on how you produced the pizza and beer. Do I think beer is healthy in any shape or form? It's one of the first products that I hope to develop in future at some point. But pizza? That's a little trickier because I don't believe in eating highly constipating meals. But beer? Yes. If you don't like it that's fine...I wouldn't recommend it in that case. But is it possible to produce a "healthy" beer? Yes. (I won't recommend the sick or those of you trying to cleanse Candida from your system to drink one. But if you're healthy and if you want to drink a beer, it won't kill you.) Are there already "healthy" beers? No. Are the organic beers healthy? No. Better. Most are crap. They all have major, major production problems...they are Vitamin E all over again. And please don't ask me about the normal beers down at the grocery stores...if you like parasites, Candida and the like...and if you like preservatives that have the potential to really mess your health up...and if you like death in a bottle...then drink those beers.

Bad news. Getting off of all these chemicals probably won't heal you. I wish it was that simple. HOWEVER, getting away from these chemicals will give your body a chance to breathe, and it will get your body a chance to gain strength to have a CHANCE to be able to fight disease.

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