Vitamin E
This page talks about Vitamin E...for the most part.
Date: 11/15/2009 4:53:12 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1981 times This writing and all my other writings are for everyone to read. And hopefully all can learn from them. However, I'm really writing to those of you who are sick body because if your health is not 'that bad' or only 'kind of bad,' you might think that some of my ideas are too obsessive and too over-the-top. But if you're sick in body you might find some good information. Now most of what I know is going to take some effort (Bad word...I know...I mean can't we all just open some nice little bottle, and then just take one or two of what's inside...sounds good to me...believe me...I'm not joking) to implement.
So then if I'm writing to an unhealthy person who's willing to take care of everything that goes in their mouth, it's extremely important to avoid chemicals of any kind! For example, many people try to restore their health by taking soy protein. However, it's produced by using hexane to extract it. Avoid soy protein. There's a chemical residue in those products (that's not good for your me on this at least). Also, Vitamin E supplements are produced by using hexane to extract the Vitamin E. Avoid these supplements. There's a chemical residue on that wonderful vitamin. I will be posting another entry or giving a link to my website in the near future on Vitamin E. It will be an important post because Vitamin E is very least that's what I've learned through visions, dreams, and/or energy sensing. I don't believe that the fact that Vitamin E is important is up for debate. It's how important it is...that might be up for debate. Especially if it truly had some power to be a tool (one of many tools) in restoring someone's health. Now I don't think even that the previous sentence is up for debate to a great extent. But the point that I'm making is that I used the words: restore your health. If what I say is true and if I have some angel (for arguments sake) on my shoulder (so to speak) giving me information...I don't think the information that I know would just kind of get someone a little better or just barely help them out? Vitamin E is important in restoring a person's health. I did say it was one tool.
So this is where the work and effort have to come into play because we have a bunch of chemically lased products that have been produced for us. And if Vitamin E is important to get, you're going to have to put effort into getting it until someone produces a product that doesn't poison you at the same time that you're taking this wonderful vitamin. And even if you could find a Vitamin E supplement produced without hexane there are still some other problems with the supplements (other major production problems that greatly weaken the power of this vitamin or any other vitamin.)
So then, Vitamin E supplements aren't without Vitamin E that can help to some degree, and soy protein supplements aren't without soy protein that can help to some degree. It would just be nice if we didn't have to poison are selves at the same time. (All of this might sound like the drug industry and their drugs...cure yourself and kill yourself at the same time.)
I'm going to talk about soy just a little here. If someone had an organic soy protein drink without all of those other ingredients that they normally put in soy protein supplements (and without all of the sugar), I'd give it a whirl if it had been stored properly immediately after production. I don't consider some flimsy little can to be proper storage. And the only reason that I'd be concerned about it is that storage (as according to what I've seen) is an important step if someone wants to bring a product to the market that actually has true power. But storage is just one step (just one tiny step) out of many, and if you miss it you've missed them all. Oh, you'll have a product with some strength too some degree or another (so you really didn't miss all the steps), but you won't have a product strong enough to change the lives of everyone that takes it. (Note: For a soy protein supplement to be labeled as "organic" the soy would obviously have to be from organic soybeans, and it would have to be produced without chemicals. If hexane is involved in the extraction process, by law it shouldn't be labeled as "organic" even if the product itself has been organically grown.)
I mentioned the word "production". Please don't get me started...there is so much more to say about this. Improperly stored and hexane produced products are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to poorly produced products that are weak and ineffectual. Production is one of the great KEYS!!!! That's why none (or hardly none) of those supplements on the shelves at the health food stores work. Again hexane and bad storage practices are just two. There is much more to it.
Before I end this blog, I should mention that I'm well-aware of the "scientific" studies that say this ingredient or that ingredient is 100 to 200 times more powerful than Vitamin E. Maybe that's true for some compounds or elements. But I've also read that (indeed) Vitamin E does have a certain amount of anti-oxidant strength...true. But also it is a catalyst to insight the body to do extraordinarily healthy and powerful reactions at the same time as well as being a powerful anti-oxidant. But who knows. Maybe all the studies are wrong. I just go with what I see. Again, I do enjoy some of the "scientific" studies. Please don't get me wrong, but the same people who do the studies are the same ones using hexane laced "natural" Vitamin E (or whatever ingredient or supplement) in their "pure" and "unbiased" studies.
Now I'm not even going to get into the fact that most Vitamin E supplements are extracted from refined soybean oil. Geez, I wonder if that refined soybean oil doesn't have major problems to start with...right out of the gate (It does...Trust me.) Surely, the strength of the Vitamin E wouldn't be greatly diminished from the start. I mean...can't we even get out of gate before we start using the hexane? Just imagine how powerful a purely produced Vitamin E supplement could be.
If you believe me about the chemicals and such. I just want to leave you with one more thought...I wonder about that "pure" and "natural" soft-gel capsule that they use to in-capsule the "natural" Vitamin E (?) Is it "natural"? Or are there chemicals used to produce it? I wonder. I don't know...let me know...if you know. I sure don't get very good energy readings from those capsules...let me say it like that.
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